Dana Medical acupuncture needles are manufactured using the most advanced technology available today. Ongoing technological advancements within Dana’s research and development department has seen the implementation of no less than 14 patents, producing a product that not only raises standards of acupuncture needles, it is a needle that others can only aspire to.
Dana acupuncture needles bare compliance and approval with Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), FDA, KGMP, CE, ISO 9001/14001, ISO 13485 guidelines and regulations. These certifications ensure every needle is finished to the absolute highest quality.
Distribution Enquiries
San Acupuncture Supplies are proud to partner with Dana Medical as the exclusive Oceanic distributor & representative. We welcome all enquiries! If you’d like to become a distributor, please don’t hesitate to contact us. E: +61 7 3289 4748
- EasyReview by P tein
Price - So happyReview by Ge_777
Price - yes!Review by Jackie_tan
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